Building relationships with people from all different walks of life is one of the core values of JesusWalk. Authentic connections that are inspired by Christ, allow people to feel fully known and truly loved by God. The JesusWalk family celebrates the community we have built through fellowship, prayer, and a whole lot of fun.
Serving and leading with compassion toward all people is one of the core values of JesusWalk. We aim to model our lives like Jesus Christ, by following His example of servant leadership. We choose to lead others to Christ by serving people and putting their needs first. We lead together as a community by supporting one another.
Recognizing where we have come from, inspires where we are going. At JesusWalk, one of our core values brings honor to our roots. Our background tells stories of ancestors, family members, friends, and even the unknown heroes who have paved the way for us. Their journeys are filled with challenges, achievements, and moments of pure faith. We are grateful for their stories of sacrifice and we honor what God did throughout their lives so that generations of people would come to know Him.
Discovering our potential in Christ inspires the limitless possibilities that are out there for the JesusWalk ministry. One of our core values is the desire to grow spiritually and personally so we can further God’s vision for His kingdom. We strengthen our potential by continuing to grow individually and learn together as a community.
We believe in one infinitely perfect, eternal and personal God, the transcendent Creator and sovereign Sustainer of the universe. This one God exists eternally and simultaneously as three distinct persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. All three persons in the Godhead share equally and completely in power, nature and glory.
We believe Jesus Christ is both God and true man. We also believe in the great events leading up to and surrounding Christ’s life and ministry, including: His eternal preexistence, His virgin birth, His attesting miracles, His sinless life, His sacrificial death on the cross, His bodily resurrection from the dead, His ascension into heaven, and His present work in heaven as High Priest and Advocate. He will return in glory to resurrect and judge all mankind.
We believe the Holy Spirit is a Divine Person, coequal with the Father and the Son. We also believe in the ministry of the Holy Spirit in salvation, glorifying Christ, convicting people of their sin, bringing about the restoration of a right relationship with God, and indwelling believers and empowering them for godly living and spiritual service to God.
We believe the Bible is the Word of God. As a “God-breathed” revelation, it is verbally inspired and completely without error in its original writings. While God supernaturally directed the writing of the Bible, that writing reflects the words and literary styles of its individual human authors. Scripture reveals the being, nature and character of God and especially His will for the salvation of human beings through Jesus Christ. Therefore the Bible is the supreme and final authority in all matters that it addresses.
We believe God has acted sovereignly to bridge the gap that separates people from Himself. He sent His Son, born of a virgin, attested by miracles and by a sinless life, to bear the full penalty for humanity’s sin. Christ suffered and died in the place of sinners, bringing about true reconciliation between God and mankind. Redemption is solely a work of God’s grace, received through faith in Jesus Christ, and never by works of human merit.
We believe Jesus Christ rose bodily from the dead, conquering sin, death and all the powers of Satan. The resurrection is God’s historical affirmation and vindication of Christ’s unique identity, mission and message. Jesus Christ now resides at the right hand of the Father, and lives to indwell all who recognize their sinfulness, who repent and who turn their lives over to His loving authority. We believe that Jesus Christ will return once again ushering in the completion of God’s Kingdom.
We believe the church is the spiritual body of Jesus Christ and that it encompasses all true believers at all times and places. The function of the church is to carry out the Lord’s expressed will through the power of the Holy Spirit. One of the central purposes of the church is to preach the Gospel (both in word and deed), the Good News that people can find hope and salvation from sin through faith in Jesus Christ. This community of believers is made up of people who are neither perfect nor sinless, but by grace their lives are coming more and more under the control of the Holy Spirit, expressing His love, joy, peace, and other Christ-like qualities.
P.O. Box 2404
Fullerton, CA 92837
Copyright © 2024 JesusWalk Youth Ministry
All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2024 JesusWalk Youth Ministry
All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2022 JesusWalk Youth Conference Organization, All rights reserved.